Kabir Sir: Blog: 2020 June 23 Onward
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এখন সরাসরি বাদশাহ ফাহদ কুরআন প্রিন্টিং প্রেস ওয়েবসাইট থেকেই শাইখ প্রফেসর ড. আবু বকর মুহাম্মাদ যাকারিয়া-এর “বাংলা অনুবাদ ও সংক্ষিপ্ত তাফসীর” গ্রন্থটি ব্রাউজ করতে পারবেন:
প্রথম খণ্ড: https://qurancomplex.gov.sa/kfgqpc-quran-translate-bengali…/
দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড: https://qurancomplex.gov.sa/kfgqpc-quran-translate-bengali…/
PDF Link : https://d1.islamhouse.com/…/si…/bn_Quranul_karim_Bengal.pdf…
YT: Best Video Editing Software for YouTube: Camtasia Studio 9 Complete Bangla Tutorial for Beginners
ল্যাপটপ বা পিসির জন্য প্রয়োজনীয় ১৫ টি সফটওয়্যার এর ফুল ভার্সন
How To Use iPhone AE/AF Lock For Perfect Focus & Exposure
YT: Record educational video while writing on paper using Mobile | Make Educational Video on Mobile
YT: Complete Budget Home Recording Setup - BM800 w/Phantom Power
মুনেম/মুনিব/মুগিস মুরশেদের নানীর জানাজা পড়লাম বাদ ফজর। দাফন মীরপুর ১১ কবরস্তান।
Best practices for designing web search patterns
The 8 Best Free Wireframe Tools for UX Designers in 2020
Best practices for designing web search patterns
The 8 Best Free Wireframe Tools for UX Designers in 2020
Google Custom Search: Custom Search Element Control API
YT Playlist: A2 Complex Numbers
Original BOYA M1 Microphone For Smartphone, DSLR, Laptop & PC
24/06/2020 Wednesday, 02 Zul-Qadah, 1441 AH ১০ আষাঢ় ১৪২৭
Video Editing Tutorial in Bangla - Class 1 of 20 || ভিডিও এডিটিং টিউটোরিয়াল বাংলা ক্লাস ১/২০
The audio interface is the hub of the modern recording studio. From humble home studios to massive media production houses, audio interfaces serve the vital function of passing audio from the outside world into your computer and back again
For many artists and engineers, the audio interface is the single most important piece of hardware, providing microphone preamplifiers, direct instrument inputs, digital converters, metering, headphone distribution, even digital signal processing (DSP), all in one unit. In more sophisticated setups, high-channel-count audio interfaces completely replace the role of traditional recording consoles.
For many artists and engineers, the audio interface is the single most important piece of hardware, providing microphone preamplifiers, direct instrument inputs, digital converters, metering, headphone distribution, even digital signal processing (DSP), all in one unit. In more sophisticated setups, high-channel-count audio interfaces completely replace the role of traditional recording consoles.
Audio interfaces convert the analog information into digital signals
Mini Clip on Microphone - Black
Web Camera USB High Definition Webcam Web Cam 360 Degree MIC Clip-on for Skype for Computer PC Laptop Notebook Camera
OBS ... Open Broadcaster Software is a free and open-source cross-platform streaming and recording program built with Qt and maintained by the OBS Project. As of 2016, the software is now referred to as OBS Studio. There are versions of OBS Studio available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux distributions.
OBS Studio is a free and open-source software suite for recording and live streaming. ... Wikipedia
OBS Studio is a free and open-source software suite for recording and live streaming. ... Wikipedia
25/06/2020 Thursday, 03 Zul-Qadah, 1441 AH ১১ আষাঢ় ১৪২৭
DU Recorder 2.2.7 for Android DU Recorder Team
Powerful tool to record what is happening in your screen
Powerful tool to record what is happening in your screen
USB Desktop Microphone with Mute Button,Plug&Play Condenser,Computer, PC, Laptop, Mac, PS4 Mic LED Indicator -360 Gooseneck Design -Recording, Dictation, YouTube, Gaming, Streaming (Omnidirectional)
How to Properly Setup Microphone on PC/Desktop/Laptop in Bangla
BOYA BY-M1 Microphone For PC DSLR And Smartphone
BOYA BY-M1 Microphone For PC DSLR And Smartphone
Camtasia : Screen Recorder and Video Editor
Best Screen Recording and Capturing Software for YouTube Videos !!TecHbangl!!
In-Depth Review of BM100FX 3.5mm USB Condenser Microphone for PC/Mobile
How to Check Fake BOYA BY M1 Microphone for smartphone and DSLR Camera
27/06/2020 Saturday, 05 Zul-Qadah, 1441 AH ১৩ আষাঢ় ১৪২৭
FB Post :
এখন সরাসরি বাদশাহ ফাহদ কুরআন প্রিন্টিং প্রেস ওয়েবসাইট থেকেই শাইখ প্রফেসর ড. আবু বকর মুহাম্মাদ যাকারিয়া-এর “বাংলা অনুবাদ ও সংক্ষিপ্ত তাফসীর” গ্রন্থটি ব্রাউজ করতে পারবেন:
প্রথম খণ্ড: https://qurancomplex.gov.sa/kfgqpc-quran-translate-bengali…/
দ্বিতীয় খণ্ড: https://qurancomplex.gov.sa/kfgqpc-quran-translate-bengali…/
PDF Link : https://d1.islamhouse.com/…/si…/bn_Quranul_karim_Bengal.pdf…
YT: Best Video Editing Software for YouTube: Camtasia Studio 9 Complete Bangla Tutorial for Beginners
28/06/2020 Sunday, 06 Zul-Qadah, 1441 AH ১৪ আষাঢ় ১৪২৭
YT: Record educational video while writing on paper using Mobile | Make Educational Video on Mobile
YT: Record your video with presentation on SmartPhone | Make Educational Video from Mobile
Free Screen Recorder + Google Slides + Smart Phone
Google Slides is a presentation program included as part of a free, web-based software office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. ... Link
YT: How To: Quick Tutorial for New Google Slides Presentation
30/06/2020 Tuesday, 08 Zul-Qadah, 1441 AH ১৬ আষাঢ় ১৪২৭

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